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- Spain
- Feb 06, 2017
INCOBRA hosts an infosession about EU-Brazil cooperation at TRANSFIERE 2017
TRANSFIERE, 6th European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation; 15-16 February 2017
TRANSFIERE, 6th European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation; 15-16 February 2017
InfoDay em parceria com o PCT-Guamá
O Infoday acontecerá durante a programação do Congresso ABIPTI 2018
INCOBRA - Increasing international science, technology and innovation cooperation between EU-BR
‘Responsible research and innovation: An opportunity for scientific exchange 'will be the theme addressed at the event.
European Innovation Forum of Science Technology and Innovation provides ideal platform to showcase INCOBRA project
O prazo limite para envio das propostas está previsto para o dia 14 de março de 2019
Curso voltados para organizações brasileiras interessadas em aprender e em participar neste Programa.
O prazo limite para envio das propostas está previsto para o dia 20/03/19 para ambas chamadas.
The Document will help the consortium to understand the needs, demands and obstacles of development agencies for cooperating with the EU.