INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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INCOBRA will further the analysis on EU and Brazil cooperation programmes (bilateral agreements) and instruments, building upon the existing exercise created in the previous Project "BBICE+".

This analysis called "Observatory" was created to promote a broader and comprehensive vision on the EU-Brazil ST&I cooperation, seeking to find the main aspects from the exchange between Brazilian and the Europeans from recent years. It includes the following data:

  • Science, Technology landscape in Brazil and at European level
  • General information and cooperation figures on the Seventh European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and the Horizon 2020
  • Overview on the Brazilian ST&I System and its main instruments and mechanisms in regards to international collaboration
  • Analysis of the existing collaborations between Brazil and Europe in terms of joint research projects and researchers mobility by considering the Brazilian participation at European Programmes and the European participation at the Brazilian funded initiatives.

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