INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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Sign up as a Stakeholder

Sign up as a Stakeholder

A major objective of the INCOBRA Stakeholder Group is to help organizations interested in international collaboration to find partners according to their interests. In order to achieve this matchmaking, INCOBRA has developed the Stakeholder matchmaking tool. By signing up as Stakeholder your organization will be added to the online list of stakeholders that includes information on collaboration interests (demand and offer) according to particular fields. This way organizations can search potential partners  per scientific field or collaboration interest, and contact them directly.

In the "demand" field, stakeholders can register information regarding their needs for services in science, technonology and innovation (ST&I), as well as opportunities foreseen by stakeholders to establish international cooperation.

Similarly, in the "offer" field, stakeholders can register their services offered in CT&I, in addition to areas of interest in research, development and innovation (RDI) focused on cooperation with Brazilian institutions, in the priority areas defined by Incobra.

Both fields display several technological services to be selected, according to stakeholder's performance and economic sector. Please, notice that is possible to select more than one service, equally in demand or offer fields.

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