- News
- United Kingdom
- Jan 22, 2019
Discover the activities and the goals of BMMO Network.
Discover the activities and the goals of BMMO Network.
Discover the activities and the goals of NANO-NOCMAT Network.
Discover the activities and the goals of NIUMAR Network.
Today we present you our bilateral coopertion network, PEARL - PRECISE POSITION ESTIMATION FOR APPLICATIONS IN REAL-TIME AT BRAZILIAN LATITUDES (PEARL) PEARL objectives: Find ...
Discover the activities and the goals of STI-Net Network.
Descobre o projeto INCOBRA!
Discover INCOBRA project. What's in it for you?
The Brazilian edition of the INCOBRA brokerage event will take place in Belo Horizonte, capital of the state of Minas Gerais and it will be organized in the framework of the 16th ANPEI Innovation Conference...
O evento, que é gratuito e será oferecido para os participantes da Conferência Anpei, proporcionará encontros entre brasileiros e europeus com interesse em CT&I
INCOBRA brokerage events have been designed to attract and engage in this EU-BR R&I dialogue the private sector, and particularly the SMEs active in the priority areas identified so far. INCOBRA...