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Partnership between Brazil and Portugal progress in scientific and technological sectors

Brazil and Portugal want to deepen bilateral cooperation


  • Posted on: Jul 05, 2016
  • Brazil

Website: Link

Contact: Ana Paula Rossetto, Porto, Portugal,

Nanotechnology, physics of high-energy, biofuels and science parks are some of the areas in which Brazil and Portugal want to deepen bilateral cooperation that just turned 30 years. The issue was discussed during the end of June between representatives of the Minister of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications of Brazil (MCTIC) and the Minister of State for Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal, Teresa Tavares.

"The cooperation agreement between Brazil and Portugal has provided several scientific and technological improvements. Today, several of them were highlighted in areas such as earth observation and marine research. There is also mutual interest in the field of satellites, climate change observation, science parks, bioenergy and others that are priorities for the Ministry. " said the Policy and Programmes Research and Development Secretary of MCTIC, Jailson de Andrade.

He also pointed out that the Brazil´s large experience in bioenergy and biofuels can contribute to the sector's progress in Portugal. "Today we already operate factories producing second-generation ethanol and we are moving to the third generation. In the other hand, Portugal has a lot of knowledge in wind energy, a type of renewable energy that has grown considerably in Brazil in recent years"

Letter of Intention

In September 2015, a Letter of Intent between Brazil, Spain and Portugal for scientific cooperation in nanotechnology was signed. The aim is to strengthen cooperation in research, development and technological innovation between the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), based in Braga, Portugal, and MCTIC research institutes that comprise the National System for Nanotechnology Laboratories (SisNano).

The priority areas for collaboration are nanodevices, nanoelectronics and nanoparticles applied to health, environment, water and food. "We are ready to collaborate and enhance companies and universities in future collaborations in these areas, as well as the expansion of technology parks" said Teresa Tavares.

Additionally, Jailson Andrade underlined that “The Brazilian government, through the National Council for Research and Technological Development (CNPq), invested R $ 121 million in scholarships (undergraduate, sandwich, post-doctoral, master's, among others) in Portugal, from 2011 to 2016. "Last year alone we invested R $ 23 million in grants in Portuguese territory."

Scientific field: Bioeconomy, Biotechnology, Energy, Food security, Nanotechnology | Geographical focus: Brazil, Portugal

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