INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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What did you miss at INCOBRA webinar #2: Upcoming opportuinities - The LCE-22-2016 call on advanced biofuels

Check out the recording and the presentations held during INCOBRA webinar #2 on H2020 related opportunities for EU-BR STI cooperation


  • Posted on: Jul 18, 2016
  • Belgium


This second INCOBRA webinar took place on July 13th 2016 and focussed on the H2020 related opportunities for EU-BR STI cooperation, with a specific focus on the upcoming LCE-22-2016 call on advanced biofuels.

The event was attended by 55 participants, mainly from Brazil, interested in learning more about joint EU-Brazil calls and related funding mechanisms and conditions.

After a short introduction about INCOBRA latest developments by Chiara Davalli (EBN), the webinar built on the speeches of Elisa Natola (CONFAP), and Sergio Robles Reis Queiroz (FAPESP).

Presentation 1: Upcoming H2020 opportunities for EU-BR STI Cooperation: a focus on LCE-22-2016 call, Chiara Davalli

This introductory session outlined the upcoming novelties from INCOBRA project, namely:

  • INCOBRA open consultation
  • INCOBRA website, including the helpdesk service and the dedicated Stakeholders area hosting a repository of R&I actors in Brazil and Europe, and enabling direct interaction among them

Presentation 2: Promoting Brazilian Participation to Horizon 2020, Elisa Natola

The expert provided an overview on the conditions for the participation of Brazilian organizations in H2020 call funded through Brazilian sources:

  • Co-financing Brazilian participation to H2020
  • Participation within the Biofuels Coordinated Call

Presentation 3: International Cooperation with Brazil on advanced lignocellulosic biofuels, Sergio Robles Reis Queiroz

The expert presented:

  • The specific objectives of the Call
  • Terms and Conditions from both sides
  • Overview of the coordinated Call procedure (including evaluation and timetable)
  • Key issues to consider when preparing a proposal for this call

If you are interested in learning more about INCOBRA Webinar #2 have a look to the webinar recordings:

You can continue the conversation on LinkedIN or Twitter @INCOBRA1

Scientific field: Marine research, Bioeconomy, Energy, Food security, Sustainable agriculture | Geographical focus: Brazil, International

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