INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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In the evaluation of the European Commissioner, Carlos Moedas, the agreement will give international experience to young scientists from Brazil and will enable research.


  • Posted on: Oct 27, 2016
  • Brazil

Website: Link

An implementing agreement was signed this month in Brussels, Belgium, between the European Research Council (ERC) and the National Council for the State Funding Agencies (Confap). The new partnership between representatives of the European Union (EU) and Brazil aims to encourage young Brazilian scientists to integrate research teams funded by the ERC, who conducts state-of-the-art research in Europe.

The initiative is part of the strategy “CEI – Open to the World”. The European Research Council provides scholarships for researchers of all nationalities, provided that they develop their research activity in the countries of the European Research Area (ERA), which comprises the Member States of the European Union and the countries associated with the framework program for research.

The agreement provides funding opportunities and facilitates integration in projects funded by the ERC. Based on this initiative, high level Brazilian researchers may carry out their research and cooperate with staff financed by the EU. In addition, the initiative contributes to create a “Common Space of Research” between the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), whose first pillar refers to mobility of researchers.

According to the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, the agreement is an opportunity for scientific cooperation on a global scale. “High Level Science is by nature international, and this initiative will encourage even more this mentality. Young talents of Brazil may join forces with the European Council of Research, scattered throughout Europe, which will allow them to further their research work and gain international experience”, said.

For the vice-president of CEI, Klaus Bock, the new agreement is in addition to the various international initiatives, which in recent years have been launched by the European Research Council with their counterparts in the world. “For the CEI, scientific talents need to interact and cooperate closely. The scientific exchange in cutting-edge research is extremely valuable and can lead to more scientific advances, and is therefore beneficial for all.”

The first initiative of this kind was signed in July 2012 with the United States (National Science Foundation – NSF) to allow American researchers integrate teams financed by CEI. This was followed by similar agreements with South Korea, India, Japan, China, South Africa and Mexico.

(CT&I Management Agency, with information from the Delegation of the European Union in Brazil).

Scientific field: Other

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