International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
Consortium Member

- Spain
Website: Link
Post Date: Aug 30, 2016
Created in 1984, the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation, IASP is a knowledge-based network which brings together existing and developing science and technology parks (STPs), and innovation-based business incubators (BICs), as well as R&D institutions, universities, consultants and experts in economic regional development and technologyand knowledge transfer. IASP gathers 397 members in 73 countries, which in turn represent a network of over 128,000 companies, most of them belonging to the innovation and knowledge economy.
IASP is a NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. IASP is a founding member of WAINOVA, the World Alliance for Innovation, which coordinates 27 associations of S&T parks and innovation-based incubators all over the world.
The IASP connects Science Park professionals from across the globe and provide services that drive growth and effectiveness for its members. IASP members enhance the competitiveness of companies and entrepreneurs of their cities and regions, and contribute to global economic development through innovation, entrepreneurship, and the transfer of knowledge and technology. Science and Technology Parks are the perfect habitat for businesses and institutions of the global knowledge economy. Science & Technology Parks promote the economic development and competitiveness of regions and cities
- Creating new business opportunities and adding value to mature companies
- Fostering entrepreneurship and incubating new innovative companies
- Generating knowledge-based jobs
- Building attractive spaces for the emerging knowledge workers
- Enhancing the synergy between universities and companies.
The main fields of specialisation of the IASP are:
- Science and technology parks / centres design, creation, and management. Includes aspect such as feasibility studies, site location, definition of the infrastructure and facilities, strategic modelling, government strategies, marketing & communications, organization and provision of high value – added services.
- Business incubation units and processes: inception, design, creation and management of business incubators, with special emphasis on innovation and technology–based incubation processes. Selection and assessment of start-up projects, etc.
- International networking: consulting on the establishment of international networking mechanisms. Definition and implementation of the adequate model of networking for different organizations. Networking performance assessments. Actual management of networks and networking structure and channels. International brokerage.
- Technology transfer and commercialization particularly at international level.
- Human resources: highly specialized training for the managing staff of technology parks / centres, business incubators and business service providers.
- Financing of innovation: start up and seed capital strategies.
- Internationalisation of SMEs. Enhance business opportunities for parks and their companies.
Besides providing services in the abovementioned fields of specialisation, IASP assists its members in:
Smart specialisation:
- IASP is active in the development of national and regional science and technology park systems and their integration in national/regional development policy. As such, we have experience helping regions to better define their research and innovation strategies, fostering those R&D domains in which a region can hope to excel.
Brokerage and matchmaking:
- IASP facilitates global partnerships and business opportunities, putting innovation based companies located in STPs in contact with each other and with potential investors. IASP offers POINT (, a service which brings together global corporations looking for new technologies and the companies that can provide them. With access to over 128,000 companies located in Science and Technology Parks across the world and multinational companies interested in what they have to offer, POINT clearly profiles technology transfer opportunities.