Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies
CONFAP, the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies was created in 2006 to articulate the interests of the Research Funding Agencies of Brazilian States.
Consortium Member

- Brazil
Website: Link
Contact: (61) 3039-9449,
Contact Person: Elisa Natola,
Post Date: Nov 17, 2016
Created in 2006, CONFAP gathers Funding Agencies form 25 Brazilian States, plus the Funding Agency of the Federal District, and its 26 members meet in National Forums 4 or 5 times per year.
In the framework of International Cooperation, CONFAP was the first Brazilian organization to operate the Newton Fund, due to its strong partnership with the United Kingdom. CONFAP has also partnerships with INRIA and CNRS from France. It is also developing agreements with other European and international countries such as Ireland, Finland, Canada, USA, Belgium, Italy, among others.
CONFAP has intensively increased its cooperation with the European Union by supporting the participation of Brazil in the Horizon 2020 Programme. Such support consists of bringing Brazilian State Funding Agencies themselves to support Brazilian researchers to take part in the Horizon 2020. Moreover, CONFAP has contributed to the success of coordinated calls with the EU (advanced biofuels, under H2020) and most recently has furthermore reinforced its commitment with the EU, through the signature of the Implementing Arrangement with the EC and the European Research Council (ERC), thus offering new opportunities for Brazilian researchers to join ERC research Teams. Moreover, CONFAP hosts the Brazilian National Contact Points of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
CONFAP has many assets, which can support international cooperation with the EU, namely its capillarity and a wide spectrum of actions and the acknowledgement of regional differences. Furthermore, CONFAP sits on the Board of important RD&I organizations and promotes political actions at Brazilian executive and legislative branches.
At Brazilian national level, CONFAP has ongoing programmes in partnership with CAPES, CNPq and FINEP, which are the main Brazilian Federal funding agencies for ST&I, and is member of the National Council of ST&I, thus offering concrete possibilities to act and operate in synergy with Brazilian Federal Institutions.
CONFAP has played a major role in the proposition of the new Brazilian legislation for Science, Technology and Innovation. CONFAP has a unique territorial coverage and acts directly with governmental actors which support R&I policies and programmes.