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European Business and Innovation Centre Network

EBN is a network of 150 quality-certified EU|BICs and 100 other organisations that support the development and growth of innovative entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs.

Consortium Member

European Business and Innovation Centre Network
  • EBN
  • Belgium

Website: Link

Contact: 0032 2 772 89 00,

Contact Person: Chiara Davalli,

Post Date: Jul 28, 2016

EBN is an established not-for-profit international association of EU|BICs, incubators, innovation centres, clusters and other intermediaries who support the development and growth of innovative entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs. EBN is also a community of professionals whose day-to-day work helps these businesses to grow in the most effective, efficient and sustainable way. EBN’s 250 members are spread over 40 countries in and out of Europe.

EBN in a nutshell:

UNIQUE: EBN offers a  unique ‘quality & benchmarking system’ for innovation-based incubators & accelerators recognised by the EU (European Commission), and other international institutions such as ESA, UNDP, etc.

OPEN: EBN acts as an open international networking platform for intermediaries, start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs delivering smart take-off and soft landing services.  We offer cross-border and international connections and B2B/partnership opportunities to our members, their customers, and partners.

EFFICIENT: EBN is an efficient EU-funded collaborative projects lab, where we develop new proposals for the benefit of our members on a series of strategic and relevant matters.

SOLID: EBN has a solid reputation within European government circles, international organisations (ESA, UNDP), national/regional public authorities, and non-EU territories and agencies. 

RESPECTED: EBN relies on a respected and comprehensive expertise in entrepreneurship, incubation, clustering, regional economic development and applied innovation built on 30-years’ experience

Type: Network, Non for profit organisations | Scientific field: Marine research, Bioeconomy, Biotechnology, Energy, Engineering, Food security, Health, ICT, Nanotechnology, Social Science, Sustainable agriculture, Other | Geographical focus: International

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