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Royal Academy of Engineering offers course for researches from São Paulo/BR


  • Posted on: Aug 30, 2016
  • Brazil

Website: Link

The Royal Academy of Engineering offers an opportunity to researchers from São Paulo state to participate in the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programmme (LIF Programme), which will be held in the United Kingdom from  November 28th to December 9th.

Fifteen seats will be available to the participants. The selection process will be open for researches with ongoing projects on phase 1 of the FAPESP Program for Innovative Research in Small Business  (PIPE), or with projects ending until May 30th, 2016. Those selected will have their flight tickets and other expenses of participation in the training program paid by the Royal Academy of Engineering. This initiative has the support of the Newton Fund and The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

The LIF program is aimed at researches who are in the process of, or at the point of, developing a business proposition for their innovation. During the 15-day training, participants will have intensive courses on entrepreneurship and leadership in innovation, access to specialists and international networking opportunities.

Those who are interested must submit their applications and register on the site of the Royal Academy of Engineering until September 23rd.


(Agência Gestão CT&I, com informações da Fapesp)

Scientific field: Other

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