INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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INCOBRA Brokerage Event Europe - bridging innovation!


  • Posted on: Jul 18, 2017
  • Belgium
  • Important

Contact: Chiara Davalli,

Last 5th-6th July 2017 INCOBRA organised several EU-Brazil dedicated sessions at EBN Congress 2017 in Enghien Les Bains (France).

EBN joined forces for the second time with the French innovation network RETIS, to coorganise their congresses, and the great success was also thanks to the efforts of the local organiser, EU|BIC, Val d'Oise Technopole.

More than 600 participants from 40 different countries came together to exchange ideas, best practices and networking opportunities. Different occassions were offered to those exchanges.

A nurtured Brazilian delegation of startups, SMEs, associations and incubators joined delegates in this occasion, benefitting from networking and focus sessions.

The first networking opportuity for our INCOBRA delegation was a speed dating session on July 5th - two-minute introductions in a 1-to-1 format for all participants at the Congress.

 On Jul 6th INCOBRA companies (BR and EU ones) participated in the Open Startups Exhibition Area and the INCOBRA Brokerage Event. More than 40 bilateral meetings took place over 2 hours. It seems participants really appreciated this session..

After lunch, INCOBRA hosted a parallel session named "EU-BR Cooperation, make it happen!"

Moderated by Arij Chabrawi, ABIPTI the session aimed at providing insights on cooperation paths and opportunities between the two sides of the Atlantic with a special focus on IoT, smart cities and e-health. She briefly introduced the companies which have been selected by INCOBRA to attend the event.


Ana Paula Rossetto, SPI, then presented INCOBRA project and its services to European and Brazilian R&I stakeholders.  She anticipated the upcoming call for bilateral networks and the upcoming INCOBRA Brokerage Event Brazil (call for travel vouchers coming soon).


Felipe Cassapo, ANPEI, presented the Brazilian innovation ecosystem. He brought participants through the complex Brazilian R&I landscape highlighting strenghts and challenges of working with and in Brazil. An outstanding insight!


Joana Sampaio, Porto Digital, provided the audience with an overview about the ICT and creative industries sectors in Recife area. Then she presented the ongoing work INCOBRA is doing in developing sectorial action plans, to present high priority cooperation areas betwen the two sides.


Filipe Martins Gomes, Digital Catapult, presented the bilateral programme they have in place to support EU-BR innovation cooperation.


We are already planning the next INCOBRA Brokerage Event, this time taking place in Brazil the 30th October 2017 in the framework of ANPEI annual conference. Stay Tuned!!


Scientific field: ICT

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