INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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Ways of Stakeholder Engagement in Joint Programming Initiatives, ERA-Learn 2020 Policy Brief

ERA-LEARN 2020 is a support action funded by Horizon 2020 as a support platform for the Public-Public-Partnerships (P2P) community.


  • Posted on: Jul 13, 2017
  • Austria

ERA-LEARN 2020 Policy Briefs serve the purpose of providing succinct information on topics that are of vital importance for advancing Public-Public-Partnerships (P2Ps). This policy brief on stakeholder engagement summarizes the current state-of-play of stakeholder engagement among Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs), highlights existing approaches of engagement, and introduces possible ways to advance stakeholder engagement.

Joint Programming Initiatives coordinate national research areas and launch joint calls providing the opportunity to cooperate at a European level.

These initiatives address key societal challengessuch as climate change, energy and food security, and healthy aging, which cannot be solved at the national level alone. They are designed to pool the limited resources for research and developmentand leverage complementary expertise.

Funding for the Joint Programming Initiatives largely comes from the participating Member States. The European Commission supports the establishment of organisational structures for individual initiatives in the form of Coordination and Support Actions (CSA).

INCOBRA Project has been actively working with JPIs to support their cooperation with Brazilian funding organizations on a challenge base topics. First event in this regard was organized in Brussels on 21 November 2016, where 9 JPIs and representatives of 4 Brazilian funding organizations came together for the first time and discussed cooperation possibilities. For more information about this event as well as presentations can be found at the following link:

INCOBRA will continue to support JPIs's internationalization activities towards Brazil.

For more information on JPIs:

Further links:

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