INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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What happened at INCOBRA Training Camp

INCOBRA held its first training camp on effective programming of publicly funded innovation programmes


  • Posted on: Jun 26, 2017
  • Brazil
  • Important

Within the scope of INCOBRA[1] Project, FFG and Finep have organized a very successful training camp together with FAPESP (the State Funding Agency of São Paulo) and CONFAP (the National Council of States Research Supporting Foundations) on 19-21 June, in Rio de Janeiro. The theme of the meeting was the effective programming of the publicly funded innovation programmes focusing on industry-academia collaboration, as this is an important aspect to be explored in Europe - Brazil cooperation. Participants of the training camp were senior experts and programme managers from the states and federal funding agencies, regional banks and regional development agencies in Brazil.

Needs, demands and challenges were presented by the representatives of Brazilian industry (Natura and Moura) and knowledge institutions (CERTI Foundation and the National Laboratory of Biosciences), followed by good practice examples from the TAFTIE Network, Brazil (by FINEP), France (by BPI France), Switzerland (by swissnex) and Portugal (by ANI). The training also entailed sessions on design and implementation processes of innovation support programmes. Recommendations on policy and programme level R&I cooperation opportunities with Europe such as Horizon 2020, Joint Programming Initiatives, EUREKA were also presented and discussed with participants.

FFG and Finep will continue to coordinate the work in this field within the INCOBRA project through trainings, workshops and roadshows in Brazil and in Europe.

For more information:





[1]Increasing international science , technology and innovation cooperation between Brazil and the European Union, funded by the EU H2020 Programme GA No: 692520  

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