INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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The aim is to strengthen collaboration and the creation of research networks in the field of mathematics (Math) and information and communication sciences and technologies (Stic)


  • Posted on: Apr 26, 2017
  • Brazil

Website: Link

The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) has launched two new calls for joint research projects in the programs Capes/Math-AmSud and Capes/Stic-AmSud, French cooperation initiatives with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. The goal is to strengthen collaboration and the creation of research networks in the field of mathematics (Math) and information and communication sciences and technologies (Stic), between South Americans and French. The deadline for submission of proposals is May 15 at the page of the International Secretary of Stic and until May 31 at Capes.

For the two calls for proposals, applicants must be Brazilian (born or naturalized) or foreigners with permanent visa in Brazil, holders of a doctorate for at least four years, with recognized competence in the area and availability for academic and administrative activities related to the project. They also need to have an employment relationship with a Higher Education Institution, and cannot be retired or temporary.

Each project should plan its activities considering the maximum duration of two years. The release of the results is scheduled for November this year. Up to five projects of each tender can be approved, which will begin in 2018.

Workable and study missions are eligible items under the two programs, taking into account the limit on the value of work assignments, which is up to R$ 60,000 for the two years during the project implementation, regardless of the quotation of the foreign currencies at the moment of the benefits payment. The value of the scholarships will not be considered in this calculation.

(ABIPTI Agency, with information from Capes)

Scientific field: Other

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