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Call for Expression of Interest: CONFAP discloses the ERC call for Brazilian researchers


  • Posted on: Apr 04, 2017
  • Brazil
  • Important

Website: Link


The Brazilian National Council for State Funding Agencies – CONFAP – invites Brazilian active Postdoctoral Grantees from the State Funding Agencies (FAPs), from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), to pursue research collaborations with Principal Investigators already supported through EU-funded European Research Council (ERC) grants.


Principal Investigators holding ERC grants have expressed interest in hosting Brazilian researchers to contribute to their teams for short or longer periods (up to 12 months);

Such expressions of interest have been sent to the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) who has shared them with CONFAP, according to the Implementing Agreement signed by the European Commission and CONFAP;

On such basis, the present Call for Expression of Interest for Brazilian Researchers is launched. ERC-funded projects, which are open to hosting Brazilian researchers, cover a wide range of scientific fields and have been selected by the European Commission and the ERC, within the following evaluation panels:

a. Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry

b. Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

c. Cellular and Developmental Biology

d. Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology

e. Neurosciences and Neural Disorders

f. Immunity and Infection

g. Diagnostic Tools, Therapies and Public Health

h. Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology

i. Applied life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology

j. Mathematics

k. Fundamental Constituents of Matter

l. Condensed Matter Physics

m. Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences

n. Synthetic Chemistry and Materials

o. Computer Science and Informatics

p. Systems and Communication Engineering

q. Products and Processes Engineering

r. Universe Sciences

s. Earth System Science

t. Markets, Individuals and Institutions

u. Institutions, Values, Beliefs and Behaviour

v. Environment, Space and Population 2

w. The Human Mind and Its Complexity

x. Cultures and Cultural Production

y. The Study of the Human Past

z. Synergy


Scientific exchanges shall start in the second semester of 2017 and can be either performed on a more extended timeframe (i.e. lasting 6 to 12 months) or be divided in multiple and shorter visits, i.e. to perform joint experimentation or similar research activities.

Brazilian active Postdoctoral grantees from FAPs, CAPES and CNPq will continue to receive their salaries and/or scholarship according to their institutional terms and conditions. The Brazilian State Funding Agencies linked to the selected Brazilian Researchers (from the State of Origin of the researchers – i.e. where they actively work) will provide support for travel expenses. In case of a longterm visit (6 months or longer); travel allowance for accompanying family may also be covered.

Visiting Brazilian researchers which shall be incorporated into the research teams of the ERC-funded Principal Investigators (at the Host Institution of the ERC projects), for the duration of the visit, may receive support from the ERC grant, and such funding shall be negotiated and defined by the ERC funded Principal Investigators and the Brazilian researchers. The ERC-funded Principal Investigators are expected to establish and decide in advance, with the visiting Brazilian researcher, the research conditions, which should offer an enabling environment for the research visits and be in line with the applicable national law and any other rules and regulations applicable on the Host institution.

The costs, which can be reimbursed under the ERC grant, must be eligible within the terms of the grant and the maximum amount of the ERC grant cannot be increased for this purpose.

Eligible cost categories include:

a) subsistence costs on a per diem basis, or any other applicable modality of the Host Institution, in accordance with the applicable national law and any other rules or regulations applicable on the Host Institution, commensurate to the level of experience of the individual visiting researcher;

b) any other eligible costs incurred during the visit of the Brazilian researchers that are directly related to the ERC-funded project.


Eligible Brazilian Researchers are: active Postdoctoral Grantees from the State Funding Agencies (FAPs), from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Under the present Call for Expressions of Interest, the interested researchers should, in first instance, contact their respective FAP in order to verify if specific additional eligibility criteria are requested. 


The interested Brazilian researchers should express their interest in receiving from CONFAP information about the ERC-funded projects that may host interested Brazilian researchers in a timely manner, in order to be able to submit their complete proposal, covering all the documents requested in Item no. 4 within the deadline: 31st of May 2017.

Letters of Interest at the first stage and complete proposals at the second stage must be sent in electronic format, at the following email address: [email protected]

Results shall be published on CONFAP’s webpage:  

Additional information - ‘ERC teams open to the world':

More info available here, Call for EoI

Scientific field: Marine research, Bioeconomy, Biotechnology, Energy, Engineering, Food security, Health, ICT, Nanotechnology, Social Science, Sustainable agriculture, Other

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