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Resources will fund projects in the sectors of IoT, cloud computing and 5G networks


  • Posted on: Feb 21, 2017
  • Brazil

Website: Link

The deadline for submitting proposals for the 4th Brazil-European Union Coordinated Call in Information and Communication Technology ends on March 14. The event, sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC) and the National Research and Education Network (RNP), will fund six research and development (R&D) projects in the Internet of Things, cloud computing and 5G networks sectors.

The total amount offered by Brazil and the European Union is approximately R$ 52 million (16 million euros) in 36-month projects. The projects must be submitted by consortia composed of research institutes, universities and Brazilian and European companies. The notice aims to boost technological advancement and innovation, as well as promote the training of professionals.

According to the Digital Ecosystem Director of the Office for Computing Policy of MCTIC, Otávio Caixeta, money from the Brazilian side comes from priority programs of the Information Technology Law. He also reports that the technologies contemplated by the notice have a strategic role for the country.

"Internet of Things is a great promise all over the world, cloud computing is increasingly present and fifth generation networks are the next step in telephony. This is an opportunity for Brazil to participate in the creation of 5G and put its characteristics, such as extensive territory, within the standard of this technology, "he says.

Since 2010, Brazil and the European Union have launched the so-called coordinates in this sector. Altogether, 25 million euros have already been invested (about R$ 81 million). Among the proposals funded are biosensors for detection of tropical diseases, a platform for sharing biodiversity data and sensors used in the production line of automobile industries.

Scientific field: Other

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