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EU-LAC HEALTH Joint Call on Health Research and Innovation

EU-LAC Health project launches its Transnational Call for projects


  • Posted on: Feb 14, 2017
  • Portugal

Website: Link

Contact: Ana Rossetto,

EU-LAC Health (Defining a Roadmap for Cooperative Health research between the EU and Latin America-Caribbean countries: a Policy Oriented Approach) is a project co-funded by the EU (European Union) through the 7 th Framework Programme. Its main goal is the definition of a detailed roadmap to guide policy-makers and other stakeholders on future actions to support cooperative health research between European (EU) and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) countries.

The project launches launches its Transnational Call for projects that will be open from 2 December 2016 to 9 March 2017 (16.00 hrs CET).

The EU-LAC Health Call will be implemented through a coordinated funding scheme whereby each Funding Organization will fund its own national teams within each multilateral research project, in accordance with national/regional regulations (Virtual Common Pot model).

On the Brazilian side, both FAPESP (Funding Agency from the State of São Paulo) and FAPEMIG (Funding Agency from the State of Minas Gerais) have joined the call and will provide funding for research groups from their respective states. 

Please find more information about the call here:   


Scientific field: Other

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