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Euraxess Brazil second quarterly newsletter is out!

Check out the latest newsletter of Euraxess Brazil (July 2016): plenty of opportunities for European and non-European researchers in Brazil.


  • Posted on: Jul 28, 2016
  • Brazil

Website: Link


The second quarterly newsletter of Euraxess Brazil is out.

We recommend this reading to European and non-European researchers in Brazil who are interested in the European research landscape and conducting research in Europe or with European partners.

In this issue:

Overview of the last quarter, by Charlotte Grawitz, EURAXESS Brazil Country Representative

Focus on Erasmus+

  • What’s in it for Brazilian students, researchers and higher education institutions?
  • Interview with Brian Holmes, Director, EACEA
  • Erasmus+ activities in Brazil

EURAXESS members in focus: the NETHERLANDS

  • The Netherlands’ research, development & innovation system
  • Research Excellence in the Netherlands
  • Recruitment Opportunities
  • Interviews with Brazilian researchers in the Netherlands 
  • Brazilian-Dutch cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation

EURAXESS Links Brazil activities

  • Tour of Brazil event at FAUBAI Conference
  • Open discussion in Rio on research cooperation between Europeans and Brazilians at EURAXESS Links Conference 
  • Looking for funding opportunities?

Enjoy the reading

Scientific field: Other | Geographical focus: Brazil, International

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