INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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The webinar will deploy information about the call that will make available 8 million euros for ICT projects.


  • Posted on: Nov 29, 2016
  • Brazil

Website: Link

INCOBRA will hold on December, 6th at 15h30 (CET)/ 12h30 (BRT), a webinar session on the 4th Joint Call BRA-EU in ICT. The aim of the session is to give straight forward information on the call will fund projects in the specific area of Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing and 5G.

During the webinar, the European Commission Principal Programme Officer, Jorge Pereira, responsible for the joint ICT call with Brazil, will give information an overview of the call launched by the EC side, informing on specific challenges, scope and impact expected. Following, the project coordinator from the Brazilian Network for Education and Research (RNP), Wanderon Paim, will inform on the Call conditions for the participation of Brazilian organizations.

For the Europeans, private companies are also eligible for funding. In the case of Brazil, the centers, research institutes or educational institutions must be accredited by the Committee on Information Technology (Cati), while the companies need to be in incubators accredited in Cati.

The Webinar will have duration of 60 minutes and will be held in English. For registration, please access the link here.

For more information, please contact:

Scientific field: Other

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