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Call will allocates 8 million euros for research projects in Internet of Things, cloud computing and 5G


  • Posted on: Oct 26, 2016
  • Brazil

Website: Link

The Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC) informs that in December 4th it will launch a Coordinated Call Brazil - European Union in Information and Communication Technologies. The call, which will provides 8 million euros, supports research projects in Internet of Things, cloud computing and 5G.

According to the Coordinator of Projects of the Brazilian National Research and Educational Network (RNP), Wanderson Paim, the call determines the application of 44.45% of the resources of each project in institutions in the North, Northeast and Central West regions of Brazil.

At least four specialists, two Brazilian and two European, must evaluate each proposal. "The rules of participation on the Brazilian side are different from those applied on the European side. An example is the financing of private companies," explained Paim, one of the organizers of the call.

For European applications, private companies of any size are eligible. Brazilians, on the other hand, consider eligible to request part of the resources centers, research institutes or Brazilian educational entities, official or recognized, accredited by the Committee of the Information Technology Area (Cati) or companies incubated in incubators accredited in Cati.

In the 3rd Call, RNP selected five of the 38 proposals received. The projects are being developed in the areas of cloud computing, high performance computing and experimental platforms with an emphasis on business competitiveness.

For more information click here.

(CT&I Management Agency, with information from MCTIC)

Scientific field: Other

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