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A working group will build, by the end of the year, a portfolio of measures and actions to boost wind power generation in Brazil.


  • Posted on: Oct 03, 2016
  • Brazil

Website: Link

A working group was formed by representatives of industry and government for the elaboration of the National Sector Development Plan in Wind Energy. The initiative aims to build a sectorial agenda for wind energy, expected to be presented by the end of 2016. The document will have the main themes related to the sector and a portfolio of measures and actions for the next few years.

The group counts with the participation of the Brazilian Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC), the Brazilian Industrial Development Agency (ABDI), the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), the Brazilian Machinery and Equipment Association (Abimaq) and the Brazilian Wind Energy Association (ABEEólica).

According to ABDI Project Specialist, Eduardo Tosta, the idea is to join forces to coordinate the actions of each entity. "The strategic agenda foresees measures focused on stimulating the attraction of new investments, increasing productive capacity and increasing innovation and productivity," said Tosta.

According to the director of Productive Development of ABDI, Miguel Nery, the central objective is to support the formulation of public policies for the sector and to create subsidies for the decision making of public and private agents.

During the first meeting, held in September 2016, the methodology for preparing the sector agenda was presented and the priority themes for the sector were defined. "Each organization was responsible for identifying the main problems of each theme and for proposing measures and actions," explained Jorge Boeira, coordinator of Productive Binding at ABDI.



Scientific field: Energy

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