INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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Norwegian Minister pointed out Brazil as one of the six priority countries for cooperation outside the EU


  • Posted on: Sep 21, 2016
  • Brazil

Website: Link

The ministries from the Brazilian Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC), Gilberto Kassab, and the Norwegian Education and Research, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, signed this Tuesday (20) a joint declaration to strengthen bilateral cooperation. The document extend until March, 31st 2020 the commitment made in 2008 between the two countries in ST&I sector.

According to the minister Isaksen, the Norwegian ST&I strategy for the period 2016-2020, known as Panorama, placed Brazil as one of six priority countries for cooperation outside the European Union. The document signed underlines the intention to receive Brazilian students, as per the exchanged stablished by the Science without Borders programme, as well as the interest in sending Norwegian students to Brazilian universities.

Isaken also highlighted the Norwegian commitment in building an even better and stringer relation with Brazil. He considers important to have a ministerial work group aiming to approximate institution, thus to consolidate bilateral relation in the long term. Thus groups could identify mutual interested thematic areas and plane concrete mechanisms as the base for the future collaboration.

According to Kassab this is the opportunity to launch joint calls and researchers exchange through agreements already signed between the National Council for Scientific and Technology Development (CNPq) and The Funding Agengy for Projects and Studies (FINEP) with the Research Council of Norway (RCN).


In 2013, the two countries formalized the interest in collaborate in oil and gas issues through the Brazil-Norway Strategy for the 21st Century (BN 21). In 2015, FINEP and RCN launched a call to support partnerships between companies and research institutions for the development of technologies for this sector. While FINEP contributed with 5 million Reais of economic subvention, the Norwegian council contributed with 4,4 million Reais with non-reimbursable funds.

According with the Secretary of the Technological and Innovative Development from MCTIC, Álvaro Prata, Norway is a reference for the Brazilian science in the sector. He underlined that the Brazilian governments expects to count with their partnership to develop and improve the domestic suppliers for the Oil and Gas industry.

The secretary of policy and programmes for Research Development from MCTI, Jailson de Andrade, highlighted the bilateral cooperation in climate change, especially through the collaboration with Norway in the Amazon Fund, managed by the Brazilian National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES).

He also reinforced the desire of MCTIC to include in the cooperation with Norway Marine research, mentioning the aim to collaborate with the Norwegian reserachers in polar research, in the Artic and Antarctica, through the access of Brazilian researchers in the base Svalbard while the Norwegian can profit of the Brazilian infrastructure in the South Atlantic and Antarctica.

United Kingdom

The ministry Gilber Kassab also recently received the United Kigdom Ambassador in Brazil, Alexander Ellis, who presented the FameLab Brazil initiative approach between scientists and the public, which is present in 32 countries. He and the ambassador also dialogued about the cooperation agreement from between MCTIC and the British weather service, the Met Office, on climate modeling, carbon cycle and natural disasters.

(Management Agency of ST&I, with information with MCTIC)


Scientific field: Other

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