- News
- Brazil
- Nov 23, 2016
The Institution will train professionals for the development and production of the aircraft.
The Institution will train professionals for the development and production of the aircraft.
Ronald Dauscha, ressaltou que os projetos da rede EMBRABII têm grande chance de dar certo.
The technology will be the main support for the Internet of Things, which will require investments of $ 6 trillion by 2020.
Brazil extends cooperation agreement with Germany and launch cal together with the United Kingdom
Project management; ESG; TBL value creation; GSC; product life cycle; carbon & water footprint of products and services; sustainability metrics, reports & monitoring.
Ao todo, foram 50 propostas apresentadas nas áreas de Internet das Coisas (IoT, na sigla em inglês), 5G e Computação em Nuvem
Enging defines itself as an engineering company specialized on the development of innovative Industry 4.0 predictive maintenance solutions for electrical industrial assets.
ENRICH in Brazil offers 'Innovation Tour to Brazil', a unique networking opportunity for European researchers and organizations with technology focus! A five-day tour (5-9 November 2018)&...
The first Centre in Brazil (ENRICH-Brazil), established by the CEBRABIC project, will be inaugurated on the: 29th November 2017, 4:00 pm
Objetivo é apoiar iniciativas que sirvam como plataformas para a colaboração entre cientistas brasileiros e britânicos