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EU-Brazil cooperation opportunities in the aerospace sector

INCOBRA and ENRICH in Brazil Info Session @EBN Techcamp 2018


  • November 22, 2018
  • ESA/ESTEC , Noordwijk
  • Netherlands
  • Important

Website: Link

Post Date: Nov 08, 2018


The session aims at providing participants with an overview of the sector in Brazil, by inviting representatives of the Brazilian Aerospace Cluster and PqTEC as it can offer internationalization services to European R&D&I actors interested in exploring this market/sector (PqTEC has been recently accredited as ENRICH in Brazil Soft Landing Hub and is hosting the Brazilian Aerospace Cluster in its park).

The session will also highlight available opportunities under Horizon 2020.


The info-session will take place within the framework of the 8th EBN TechCamp, organised in partnership with ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands), on 22-23 November 2018 (

The session will be taking place during the afternoon of the first day: 22 November 2018, 16,30-18,30.



Opening and introduction

  • Background to the INCOBRA project and ENRICH in BR. Chiara Davalli, EBN

Shaping opportunities for European R&I actors interested in the Brazilian landscape


The Brazilian Aerospace Sector & internationalization opportunities

  • The Brazilian Aerospace sector and cluster. Thalita Pimenta Cancas, Parque Tecnológico São José dos Campos - PqTEC Soft
  • Landing Services in São José dos Campos. Alexandre Baros, Parque Tecnológico São José dos Campos - PqTEC

Overview on the Brazilian aerospace sector and cluster (actors, international programmes, funding streams, R&I axes, etc.); presentation of the available soft landing services for European companies.




H2020 funding opportunities for EU-BR STI cooperation in the aerospace sector

  • H2020 calls on Space >> Focus on SU-SPACE-22-SEC-2019  Space Weather, Chiara Davalli, EBN
  • Case study: The PEARL Network, Vittorio Cannas, SpaceEarth Technology

Overview of relevant H2020 calls and the experience of a European company who’s working with Brazilian partners to develop a H2020 proposal.


  • Open discussion and Wrap up (Chiara Davalli, EBN)


Networking & bilat meetings


Scientific field: Other

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