Webinar: Towards a joint call with EUREKA
Discover the opportunity to launch a joint call of research funding agencies in Brazil and in Europe
- January 23, 2018
- Webinar, Wien
- Austria
- Important
Website: Link
Post Date: Jan 08, 2018
INCOBRA tenth webinar "TOWARDS A JOINT CALL WITH EUREKA" will take place on the 23rd January 2018, at 1.00pm GMT (2.00pm CET and 11.00am Brasilia’s time). The webinar will last 90 minutes and will be held in English.
This webinar will present a short introduction to EUREKA and the opportunity to launch a joint call of research funding agencies in Brazil and in Europe. European research funding agencies such as FFG (Austria), DLR (Germany), CDTI (Spain), SBFI(Switzerland), will present their agency’s Eureka operations and their aim to participate in this joint call.
EUREKA is an intergovernmental network launched in 1985, to support market-oriented R&D and innovation projects by industry, research centres and universities across all technological sectors.
The aim of a GlobalStars Call http://www.eurekanetwork.org/content/globalstars-multi-track-approach-internationalisation-eureka is to facilitate international R&D&I cooperation between EUREKA countries, including associated countries, and non-EUREKA partner countries. GlobalStars shall be a flexible, reliable, lean and fast instrument allowing global cooperation for EUREKA countries in a variable geometry.
- Marie-Katharine Traunfellner, FFG https://www.ffg.at/en
- Irina Slosar, FFG https://www.ffg.at/en
- Joachim Burbiel/ Juliane Kuttenkeuler DLR http://www.eureka.dlr.de/
- Oscar Fernandez Moyano CDTI http://www.cdti.es/
- Friederike-Dorothea Rass SBFI https://www.sbfi.admin.ch/
- Other European Research Funding Agencies tbc
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