INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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The webinar focus on the upcoming EU-Brazil joint calls on ICT. We present the 3 calls open for applications and the conditions for participation of Brazilian partners.


  • December 6, 2016
  • Brussels
  • Belgium
  • Important

Contact: Chiara Davalli,

Post Date: Nov 29, 2016

The EU-Brazil Joint Call on ICT (H2020-EUB-2017) - 3 topics for international cooperation: Cloud Computing; IoT Pilots; 5G Networks

The INCOBRA consortium invites you to its fourth webinar which is going to take place on the 6th December 2016, at 2.30pm GMT (3.30pm  CET and 12.30pm Brasilia’s time).

The webinar will last 60 minutes and will be held in English.

This webinar will present the EU-Brazil joint calls on ICT:

  • EUB-01-2017: Cloud Computing
  • EUB-02-2017: IoT Pilots
  • EUB-03-2017: 5G Networks

During one hour we will get the chance to hear from Dr. Jorge Pereira - Principal Programme Officer, responsible for the joint call with Brazil on ICT - about the specific challenges addressed by the joint call, their scope and expected impact .

We’ll then hear from Wanderson Paim from RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa( Brazilian National Research and Education Network), responsible for the call management on the Brazilian side. He will present the conditions for the participation of Brazilian organizations in these calls.


Joana Sampaio, PortoDigital


  • Jorge Pereira, DG Connect - European Commission
  • Wanderson Paim de Jesus, RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa

Click here to register

For any additional information please contact: 

Scientific field: ICT

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