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Roadshows on Transport for funding opportunities in 2017 in Portugal

The GPPQ will hold roadshows on Transport for funding opportunities in 2017, with events in Porto, Coimbra and Lisbon.


  • Oct 18‒26, 2016
  • Porto, Coimbra, Lisboa
  • Portugal

Website: Link

Contact: Luís Maia,

Post Date: Oct 07, 2016

The Promotion Office of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (GPPQ) promotes and supports the participation of Portuguese, scientific and business communities in HORIZON 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the EU (2014-2020).

The GPPQ will hold roadshows on Transport for funding opportunities in 2017, with events in Porto, Coimbra and Lisbon.

• Porto: morning of October 7th at the premises of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Porto - for logistical reasons, this will be the only event with a presentation dedicated to opportunities for aviation (including JTI Clean Sky), with the possibility of technical discussion on the subject;

• Coimbra: the morning of October 18 (4th Thursday), at the premises of the Institute Pedro Nunes. Find more here;

• Lisbon: the morning of October 26 (4th Thursday), at the premises of the Instituto Superior Técnico. Find more here.

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