INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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INCOBRA Action Plan - Food security and adaptation of agriculture to climate change


  • Posted on: Jan 25, 2019
  • Belgium
  • Important

Year of publication: 2019

INCOBRA has developed strategic Action Plans to foster EU-BR Research and Innovation (R&I) cooperation in five Priority Areas: 

  1. Green Energy; 
  2. Sustainable Use of Bioresources; 
  3. Food Security and Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change; 
  4. Advanced Manufacturing and Nanomaterials; and 
  5. Smart Cities and Smart Systems. 

We here present main elements of the action plan on Food Security and Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change.

Download the dedicated PPT developed by PUCRS and ZSI.

If you want to learn more, check out the full report.


Type: Report / Research / Studies | Scientific field: Bioeconomy, Food security, Sustainable agriculture

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