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Factsheet #11: NMBP-15-2019 - Safe by design, from science to regulation: metrics and main sectors (RIA)

The INCOBRA Factsheet #11 is dedicated to cover the details of NMBP-15-2019 call intitled as "Safe by design, from science to regulation: metrics and main sectors"


  • Posted on: Oct 10, 2018
  • Brazil

Year of publication: 2018

Risk management involves quantifying hazard (toxicity) and exposure, and taking the necessary steps to reduce both to acceptable levels, ideally at an early stage of the nanomaterial development process (safe-by-design). The challenge now is to distil existing methods into simple, robust, cost-effective methods for monitoring and modelling of physicalchemical properties and biological effect assessment of nanomaterials in relevant use conditions including in product-relevant matrices.

This is a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) of two-stage model. The first deadline is 22 January 2019 and the second one is 03 September 2019. The EU contribuition is 5-6 million €.

Among the eligibility and admissibility conditions criteria, the consortium shall include at least 3 participants from 3 different EU Member States or Associated countries. In addition to these three partners, any legal entity from anywhere in the world can be included in the consortium.

Check out in the document attached bellow all the detais re Factsheet #11!

Type: Article (Book, Journal etc.) | Scientific field: Nanotechnology | Geographical focus: International

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