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Checklist for a Coordination Agreement for projects resulting from a Coordinated Call with a Third Country

Non-binding guidance to participants in coordinated call projects regarding the issues they may wish to address in their Coordination Agreement


  • Posted on: Jan 17, 2017
  • Belgium
  • Important

Year of publication: 2017

Website: Link

Checklist for a Coordination Agreement for projects resulting from a Coordinated Call with a Third Country

The European Commission has established and published this non-binding guidelines in the form of a checklist to highlight some of the issues and the way they could be addressed by participants of a Coordinated Call with a Third Country.

"Under a coordinated call the participants of the European project sign a grant agreement with the European Commission and the participants of the third country project enter in some contractual arrangement with their own funding agencies.

The Description of Work of the EU project would contain the research carried out under the European funded project including detailed explanations about the research to be carried out under its coordinated project in a way that it is clearly understood that project work is coordinated, but legally separate.

According to Article 12 (3) of Rules for Participation of Horizon 2020, to ensure appropriate coordination, the participants of both projects will be required (see annexed clause 41.5 of the EU Model Grant Agreement) to prepare and sign a CooA among themselves, linking the two projects and ensuring the necessary synergies under a single framework including appropriate arrangements regarding inter alia:

- the internal organisation of the beneficiaries in both actions, including the decision making procedures;

- rules on intellectual property rights (for example regarding protection, dissemination, exploitation and access rights);

- the settlement of internal disputes;

- liability, indemnification and confidentiality arrangements between the beneficiaries in both actions. 

The document provides non-binding guidance to participants in coordinated call projects regarding the issues they may wish to address in their Coordination Agreement.


Type: Practical advice/guide

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