INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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This call aims to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge between British and Brazilian researchers.


  • Since: Jul 11, 2016
  • Deadline: Sep 12, 2016

Website: Link

Post Date: Aug 17, 2016

The British Council, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and the Research Foundations of the Federal District (FAPDF), Pernambuco (Facepe), Ceará (FUNCAP), Alagoas (FAPEAL) and Paraíba (FAPESQ), launched a new call funded by the Newton Fund Institutional Links program - Zika virus. The initiative co-finances up to 100 thousand pounds by state. Projects must promote the exchange of scientific and academic knowledge about the Zika virus between Brazilian and British researchers. The deadline to submit proposals is September 12th.

Eligible participants are senior researchers from higher education institutions or non-profit research organizations, affiliated to the FAPs of the mentioned states or from Fiocruz. In addition, candidates must demonstrate the relevance of their work through certificates, publications, international collaboration, academic orientation and experience.

The main goal of this call is to encourage partnerships between eligible Brazilian institutions and British institutions of higher education and / or research. The core subject 'Zika virus' must be addressed in an interdisciplinary way, involving applied research. The proposals’ central focus must be the development of a capacity for reacting or preventing the social impacts of congenital Zika syndrome in Brazil.

This call will support up to 15 proposals with timelines between 18 and 24 months. Half of the funds will be offered by the FAP partner to the Brazilian researchers and other half will be provided by the Newton Fund to the British researcher. Proponents from Fiocruz would be supported up to 65 thousand pounds, with 50% of this value arises from the foundation.

For more information, visit the complete documents in this link.

(Agency Management CT & I, with FAPEAL information)

Source: | Topic: Colaboração Internacional | Scientific field: Other

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