Water JPI 2018 Joint Call Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Sustainable Management of Water Resources
- Since: Feb 19, 2018
- Deadline: Apr 24, 2018
Website: Link
Contact: Elisa Natola
Post Date: Feb 21, 2018
In many regions, it may be difficult to reconcile water supply and demand both in terms of quantity and quality. Europe is not an arid continent, however water scarcity affects at least 11% of the European population and 17% of the territory. Water resources observation, experimental work and modelling are required to better understand hydrological processes and their connection, and to analyse and forecast the effectiveness of management options.
To address this challenge, the Water JPI action WaterWorks2017 will be implemented through the 2018 Joint Call, in order to finance research projects focusing on Theme 5 of the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA 2.0): “Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Sustainable Management of Water Resources”. Through this initiative, the Water JPI aims at developing transnational collaborative research, development and innovation projects meeting water challenges faced by Europe and beyond, and supporting the implementation of EU water policies. This call will cover the following themes:
- Enabling sustainable management of water resources; and
- Strengthening socio-economic approaches to water management
- Supporting Tools for Sustainable Integrated Management of Water Resources
The Water JPI 2018 Joint Call will be funded by 20 Funding Partner Organisations (FPOs) from the following 18 countries: Belgium, Brazil, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, South Africa, Sweden and Tunisia, and with the support of the European Commission.
As for Brazilian participation, all details are in the National Regulations of the call. CONFAP participates through 9 FAPs, namely:
1. Fundação Araucária
The total estimated budget for this call for projects is 19.3 M€ including a Cofund from the European Commission of 5,9 M€. This call is for collaborative transnational research proposals.
Each consortium must be composed of eligible independent entities from a minimum of 3 countries with FPOs involved in the Call, including eligible entities from at least 2 EU Member States or H2020 framework programme Associated countries. Each research partner involved in a project must comply with the eligibility rules and criteria of its FPO.
A webinar with a live stream presentation of the Water JPI 2018 Joint Call is scheduled for the next 12 March 2018, in order to present the scope of the call, research topics, and guidelines for applicants. The presentation will be organised by the Joint Call Secretariat (FORMAS, Sweden) with the collaboration of the Coordination Team of WaterWorks2017 (ANR, France).
The first step of this call will close on 24 April 2018 at 17:00 CEST, whereas the second step of this call will close on 18 September 2018 at 17 CEST. More details on the Call webpage.
- For more information on the call (call announcement, funding countries, national/regional regulations, assessment criteria, submission forms, and submission platform), please consult the 2018 Joint Call webpage on the Water JPI website.
- For general information on the call, please contact the Call Secretariat - [email protected]
- For specific questions related to the budget, criteria and rules of your funding partner organisation, please consult your National Contact Point. Each research team is encouraged to contact its NCP before submitting a proposal.
If you are looking for a Research Partner for your Project or for a Project to join, please do not hesitate to join our LinkedIn Researchers Forum Group.