INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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Infoday in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Joint event was promoted by INCOBRA and ENRICH in Brazil on November 13th, 2018


  • Postado em: nov 20, 2018
  • Brasil

Contato: Brasil

INCOBRA and ENRICH in Brazil organized a joint Infoday on November 13th, 2018 at FINEP, in Rio de Janeiro. 

The aim of the event was to provide strong information on how Brazilian entities and researchers can benefit from opportunities from the European Commission, and how to enhance international cooperation in Science, technology & Innovation.

The audience was formed by innovation actors, companies and the scientific community. The partners responsible for giving the training were ZSI (Austria), SPI (Portugal), CONFAP (Brazil), FINEP (Brazil), and EURAXESS (initiative supported by the European Commission).

Campo científico: A investigação marinha, bioeconomia, Biotechnology, Energia, Engenharia, Comida segura, Health, TIC, nanotecnologia, Social Science, Agricultura sustentável, De outros | Foco geográfico: Brasil

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