INCOBRA Bilateral Networks: a chat with NANO-NOCMAT network
Discover the activities and the goals of NANO-NOCMAT Network.
- Postado em: out 19, 2018
- Brasil
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Today we present you the NANO-NOCMAT network (Nanotechnology applied to Construction Materials), one of the 5 EU-Brazil STI cooperation networks selected by INCOBRA to receive a 19500€ grant and light mentoring support.
What are NANO-NOCMAT objectives?
The introduction of Nanotechnology basic principles in association to local resources and available agro-industry waste will lead to high performance, more sustainable and durable constructive solutions as well as filtering membranes for the air and water purification. Other technologies of microencapsulation associated to supercritical treatment for curing will open the utilization of those agro-based materials to many different fields in the civil construction, infrastructure and thermal insulation. Durability and life cycle assessment will certificate the sustainability and eco-friendly aspects of the developed technologies with interest to both industrialized (European Community) and developing (Brazil and Guadeloupe, FWI) regions.
Which are the potential impacts yielded from your network for?
- Introduction of nanotechnology basic principles leading to high performance, more sustainable and durable constructive solutions and filtrating membranes, as well as possible applications in other sectors such as packaging materials. The novel findings and products can contribute to widespread the use of residues from agroindustry on construction industry and other applications, and in a long term stimulate distribution of incomes through the creation of new opportunities of business for rural areas and small business with added-value products using nanotechnology for achievement of new and functionalized materials.
- Increased scientific and technical knowledge of the waste generated in biomass energy production plants and its applicability within the construction sector, characterized as a high demander of raw materials. Provide new and solid information on the application of nanomaterials and nanoparticles in bulk structures, regarding for example, stability, compatibility, risk assessment and health safety.
- Formation of human resources both for research and innovation at industry. The training activity will contribute to the attraction and motivation of talented students and young researchers in the topics related to Nanotechnology applied to construction materials and Smart energy materials.
What are the main activities carried out so far, and the main achievements in strengthening EU-BR research and innovation (R&I) cooperation in your thematic area?
- Inaugural meeting of the NANO-NOCMAT Network for definition of priority topics of collaboration, expressions of interest and attraction of potential partners. UExtremadura, Cáceres, Spain, May 17th, 2018.
- Meetings with the mentors at CSIC, for discussion of the calls for proposals with potential interest to the network (H2020 and ERAMIN2), and organization of the two NANO-NOCMAT Network meeting events (to be carried out in Brazil and Spain). Madrid, Spain, May 22nd, 2018.
- Meetings by teleconference with Cesar Medina (UExtremadura, Spain) and Partnering Unit for discussion and organization of the proposal for the ERAMIN2 2018 call for proposals on the topic of advanced cement based materials.
- Participation in the introductory meeting (March 23rd, 2018) and training activities (April 19th, 2018) promoted by the INCOBRA Team.
- Organization of the website and social account .
- Mini-courses in topics related to Nanotechnology, Circular economy and Life cycle analysis applied to agro-industry residues, biomass and engineered materials. Workshop and network meetings. Parallel activity with experts on Alternative building materials - Bamboo in the constructed environment. Activities carried out at USP Pirassununga, Brazil from Sep 10-12, 2018.
- The participation in the Community Event and INCOBRA Training on Proposal Writing, Vienna, Austria, Sep 26th, 2018, allowed improving the preparation of the proposals and contributions from mentorship and supporting institutions.
Which are the most beneficial outcomes of bringing together the participants of the network in the foreseen events/meetings?
The 1st meeting of the NANO-NOCMAT Network in Pirassununga was beneficial in the way to achieve the following objectives:
- Bringing together presently or by teleconference the majority of the network partners (14 institutions represented) in a friendly and very constructive environment.
- Attraction of new potential partners (PUC Rio, Brazil, Universidad Central de las Villas, Cuba and University of Bath, UK) that were sponsored by other budget counterparts (CAPES, FAPESP and FDTE respectively).
- Offering of mini-courses in topics totally related to the NANO-NOCMAT Network (Nanotechnology, alternative materials, circular economy and life cycle assessment) for motivation of young researchers and graduate students for taking part in the effort of the team composition for the future projects to be conducted between European and Brazilian partners.
- Definition of potential topics for the preparation of proposal for the H2020 calls related to Smart Energy Materials (LC-EEB-01-2019) and Raw Materials Innovation for the Circular Economy (CE-SC5-07-2018-2019-2010).
What are the plans for the future?
The NANO-NOCMAT Network activities were defined for the near future in a timetable summarized in Figure 1. This sequence of activities was defined as the result of the 10-12 Sep 2018 meetings:
- NANO-NOCMAT 2nd meeting in Madrid 8-9 Novmber 2018.
- Preparation of H2020 proposal.
- Evaluation of EUREKA Globalstars Call 2018 for possible application with European industrial partners.
Get in touch with NANO-NOCMAT