INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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INCOBRA Scoping Workshop #2_pictures and presentations

The event took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 26-27 March 2018


  • Postado em: abr 03, 2018
  • Áustria

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The 2nd INCOBRA Scoping Workshop has been organized by FAPESP, FFG, FINEP and CONFAP on 26-27 March 2018 at the FAPESP’s premises in Sao Paulo with participation of 5 Joint Programming Initiatives from Europe and 3 Federal and 8 State Funding Agencies as well as CONFAP from Brazil.

The goal of the workshop was to stimulate the discussion on how to align and harmonize their R&I funding priorities, policies, programmes and instruments bilaterally as well as aligning with relevant EU Programmes (such as H2020) and transnational initiatives, such as Joint Programing Initiatives and ERA-NET Cofund actions.

This workshop was built upon the outcomes of the 1st workshop, organized on 21 November 2016 in Brussels titled “JPIs on the Global Stage: Opportunities for International Cooperation”

Workshop Agenda, bilateral meeting schedules and presentations are available in below links.

INCOBRA Scoping Workshop #2, Final Agenda

Presentations of JPI Representatives

Presentations of BR Agencies and Research Organizations 

  • FAPEMIG: Paulo Sérgio Lacerda Beirão, Director 
  • FAP-DF: Tiago Coelho, Chief Executive Officer 
  • FAPEMA: Alex Oliveira de Souza, President 
  • FAPESC: Cesar Zucco, Director of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research
  • FAPES: Rodrigo Ribeiro Rodrigues, Technical-Scientific and Innovation Director 
  • FACEPE: Aronita Rosenblatt, Presidency - Technical Coordinator 
  • Capes: Cyntia Sandes Oliveira, International Relations Advisor
  • CPqD: Alberto Paradisi, Vice President of R&D 

List of Bilateral Meetings

Training session on Joint Call Process, Sofia Cordeiro, FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal 

Campo científico: A investigação marinha, bioeconomia, Health, TIC, De outros

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