INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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Incobra-Enrich Infoday _ registrations are open!

Recife, 21/03/2018


  • Postado em: mar 07, 2018
  • Brasil
  • Importante

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Registrations are open for the upcoming event ‘Incobra-Enrich Infoday’ to be held on 21st of March 2018 in Recife. The event, hosted by Porto Digital, is a workshop aimed at training the local and regional innovation agents (researchers, managers of public and private companies and innovation hubs) to access the funding and cooperation opportunities from Horizon 2020 (H2020) - the European Union (EU) program for research and innovation (R&I) with several investment modalities in the areas of science, technology and innovation.

At the end of 2017, the European Commission announced the new H2020 Work Program for the 2018-2020 period, with a budget of €30 billion. The new program strengthens international cooperation in R&I by investing more than € 1 billion in 30 flagship initiatives in areas of mutual benefit.

This is the first edition in Recife, with participants from all over the Northeast of Brazil, as well as representatives from the European Commission, Euraxess and Incobra - a consortium made of 14 (Brazilian and European) institutions, including Porto Digital, and financed by the H2020 programme.

In the agenda of Incobra-Enrich Infoday, national and international speakers, project managers already contemplated by the program and representatives of the innovation environments of Brazil and Europe will be present discussing how to finance research, development and innovation projects in a cooperative way with the European Union.

Topics such as funding calls available, ways to map opportunities, how to submit potentially attractive proposals, how to identify cooperation partners, and hands-on workshops, business roundtables and networking are planned for the meeting.

The event is free, but registration is mandatory due to limited seats.

To subscribe and view the complete schedule, just click here: I WANT GO TO INCOBRA-ENRICH INFODAY

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