INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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Horizon 2020 open calls in the health sector -Focus on international cooperation

What happened at INCOBRA webinar #11: presentations and recording are available online.


  • Postado em: mar 06, 2018
  • Bélgica

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There are only few weeks left to apply for the Horizon 2020 open calls in the health sector with clear focus on international cooperation. To support European and Brazilian R&I actors interested in these topics, INCOBRA on February 23rd organised a webinar dedicated to BETTER HEALTH AND CARE, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE HEALTH SYSTEMS

The online session was moderated by Chiara Davalli (EBN), who provided an overview about INCOBRA and its core activities. Download the presentation here.

Dr. Astrid Hoebertz​ (FFG), National Contact Point for HEALTH in Horizon 2020 provided an introduction to Horizon 2020 and then presented 4 open calls relevant to the EU-BR audience:

  • SC1-HCO-01-2018: Actions in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine
  • SC1-HCO-06-2018: Establishment of an International Network of Social Sciences Research Centres to help address governance and other challenges in the preparedness for and the response to infectious threats
  • SC1-BHC-16-2018: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) - Scaling-up of evidence-based health interventions at population level for the prevention and management of hypertension and/or diabetes
  • SC1-BHC-18-2018: Translational collaborative cancer research between Europe and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)

Download here her presentation.

Dr. Rodrigo Correa Oliveira, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (, recently appointed as Brazilian Helath NCP, presented the Brazilian R&I landscape in the health sector and the Fiocruz structure.

Check his presentation here.

The presentations were followed by a very interactive Q&A session. Several questions focussed on the Brazilian co-funding mechanism and the impact Brexit will have on the participantion of UK partners in eventual consortia. 

  • As far as the first question is concerned experts recommended to get in touch with Fiocruz for ad hoc guidance, and to contact national Funding Agencies to check with them the co-funding availability. An overview on the FAPs Guidelines is available here.
  • Regarding Brexit, so far rules applyes as usual and UK partners are eligible under H2020. 

We recommend you to watch the recording of the webinar, as the Q&A session might clarify some of your doubts about the call.

Access the recording here.

In case of additional queries, please address them to INCOBRA Helpdesk.

Campo científico: Health

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