INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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RESULTS: Eligible applications for INCOBRA Call for Bilateral networks

The deadline for the bilateral networks has now passed and the initial check has been conducted to see which of the applications are eligible.


  • Postado em: dez 30, 2017
  • Espanha

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Following the initial Call launched in September, the deadline for the submission of applications for the INCOBRA Call for Bilateral Networks (BR-EU) was on the 15th of December.

There was plenty of interest in the Call, thus showing the interest in increasing the collaboration between these two regions. INCOBRA is pleased to announce that 156 applications were received.

An initial check has been conducted to see which of the applications are eligible, taking into consideration the basic criteria for this, ensuring there is no conflict of interest and all applications are valid. Of the 156 applications 122 were deemed as eligible. The evaluation process with a specific committee will now commence, and the final results of the selected networks will be posted on 15th March 2018.

For the complete list of applications, listing both eligible and non-eligible, please see the attached file.

The INCOBRA consortium thanks all networks for their interest and participation.

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