INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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I-COOP+ PROGRAMME. 2017 Call for proposals

A maximum of two proposals involving teams from the Federal Republic of Brazil (FAPESP) will be prioritized


  • Postado em: jun 26, 2017
  • Espanha

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CSIC Programme for Scientific Cooperation with developing countries, i-COOP+, is launching this 2nd call for proposals with the aim of encouraging research groups from CSIC to collaborate with institutions of less developed countries to build up or consolidate scientific and technical capacities in the latter.

This call will grant up to 35 proposals with a maximum financial support of 20.000 € for two years (10.000 € / year), to cover short training periods of PhD students, scientist and technical staff of a less developed country at CSIC Centres/Institutes within a period of 2 years, according to the following schemes:

  • Scheme A: PhD students currently conducting their research in an eligible institution from a less developed country.
  • Scheme B: training stays for scientist and technical staff to consolidate scientific and technical capacities.

This call encourages applications:

i) focused on Latin America, South Mediterranean areas, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia,

ii) including partners from the entrepreneur world (mainly international companies), where the beneficiary might complete his training period,

iii) co-funded by the foreign institution.

A maximum of two proposals involving teams from the following institutions will be prioritized:
- CONICET, from the Argentine Republic (Scheme B)
- FAPESP, from the Federal Republic of Brazil (Schemes A, B)
- COLCIENCIA, from the Republic of Colombia (Schemes A, B)

1.- The consortia must include at least one research team from CSIC and one from a foreign Institution. Applications have to be submitted by a researcher from CSIC, who will act as proposal coordinator. Each participating team should have sufficient funds and adequate facilities to conduct the project.
2.- The foreign research team can belong to universities, institutions or technological centers. Financial support coming from the foreign team will be an asset. Moreover, partners from the entrepreneur world are welcomed, but are not eligible for funding.
3.- All participants should be officially linked to their respective Institutions during project submission, and should maintain this status for the duration of the proposed activities.

1- Travel and daily allowance costs to cover visits of foreign and CSIC project participants.
2- Small equipment, consumables, organize meetings (hiring rooms, some equipment needed, …), registration fees for official training courses (preferably carried out by CSIC). These costs will be up to 25% of the financial support.
3- Companies are not eligible for funding and should participate in this call with their own funds.
4- The budget of the proposal must be consistent with the work plan and will be justified according to the activities to be carried out.

PERIOD OF SUBMISSION: from 12th June untill 12th July (on-line application will close 00:00h)

For any enquiry please contact: [email protected]

Campo científico: A investigação marinha, bioeconomia, Biotechnology, Energia, Engenharia, Comida segura, Health, TIC, nanotecnologia, Social Science, Agricultura sustentável, De outros | Foco geográfico: Brasil

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