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RRI - A practical guide supports research organisations in implementing gender equality measures

Science Europe published a Practical Guide to Improving Gender Equality in Research Organisations.


  • Postado em: fev 08, 2017
  • Áustria

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On 6 February 2017, Science Europe published a Practical Guide to Improving Gender Equality in Research Organisations.

This guide aims at providing a backbone for the implementation of gender equality in different research funding and performing organisations across Europe. It starts by listing recommendations for the implementation of appropriate indicators, as well as for measures to avoid bias. It follows by providing further recommendations on how to implement an efficient system to monitor gender equality. Finally, it provides an overview of relevant grant management systems.

Gender Practical Guide

Science Europe

An abstract from the foreword by Dr Eucharia Meehan, Science Europe Champion for Gender and Diversity

"Gender inequality in the European research ecosystem, and across wider society, must be addressed for both social and economic reasons. Furthermore, the benefit of equality and diversity is incontrovertible. Research funding and research performing organisations have a crucially important role to play in addressing gender inequality; not only for the benefit of their own ecosystem, but to contribute to progress in wider society. These organisations also have a key role in enabling all researchers – regardless of gender, career stage or field of research – to realise their optimum potential. Science Europe is dedicated to improving the research environment for all researchers in Europe and thus this topic is also reflected in the Science Europe Roadmap". 

Campo científico: A investigação marinha, bioeconomia, Biotechnology, Energia, Engenharia, Comida segura, Health, TIC, nanotecnologia, Social Science, Agricultura sustentável, De outros

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