INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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INCOBRA webinar #12: International Cooperation on High Performance Computing

The FETHPC-01-2018 H2020 call


  • abril 24, 2018
  • online, Brussels
  • Bélgica
  • Importante

Site: Link

Contato: Chiara,

Data de postagem: abr 12, 2018

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INCOBRA organizes its twelfth webinar:

International Cooperation on High Performance Computing.  The FETHPC-01-2018 H2020 call

The webinar will take place on the 24th April 2018, at 2.00pm GMT (3.00pm CET and 10.00am Brasilia’s time). The webinar will last 60 minutes and will be held in English.

We will present the Horizon 2020 open call “International Cooperation on HPC” which aims to develop strategic partnership in High Performance Computing with Brazil and Mexico to advance the work on HPC applications in domains of common interest. Brazilian and Mexican partners will not be funded by the EU and they are expected to participate in the project with their own funding.

The cooperation with Brazil focusses on developing state-of-the-art HPC applications in domains of common interest, such as in eHealth and drug design (e.g., related to diseases such as Zika and Dengue) or energy (e.g., renewables or management of natural resources). Proposals should put emphasis on application development towards exascale performance, develop codes, algorithms, other software tools, big data analytics, and hardware where appropriate.

Our experts from the EU Delegation in Brazil will present the call and provide insights on these priority areas of EU-Brazil cooperation.

We’ll also present the strategic Action Plan to foster Research and Innovation (R&I) EU-Brazil cooperation in the Green Energy sector, developed by INCOBRA.

Moreover we’ll present the EC funded programme FET2RIN aimed at supporting FET (Future Emerging Technologies) projects to reach out investors and make a larger impact on society.


  • Chiara Davalli, EBN


  • Luciana Lenhari, UNICAMP
  • Dario Mazzella, META Group Coordinator of FET2RIN
  • Juan Pelegrin, European Commission, DG CONNECT
  • Dr. Carlos Oliveira, Ministro-Conselheiro Sociedade de Infomaçao e Mercado Digital, Delegação da União Europeia no Brasil

Click here to register

For any additional information please contact:  

Campo científico: Energia, Health, TIC

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