INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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The FAQ section displays frequently asked questions about R&I funding programmes, Project opportunities in Brazil and the EU, STI Ecosystems in Brazil and the EU and Information on the INCOBRA project.

Can Brazilian organizations participate in a H2020 proposal and can receive funding?

The rules for participation for third countries are explained in Annex A to the 2016-2017 work programme - List of countries and applicable rules for funding  According to Annex A, emerging economies, like Brazil, are no longer eligible to receive automatic funding under H2020. Legal entities established in Brazil will be eligible for funding only when such funding is explicitly foreseen in the relevant call text. In addition, legal entities established in countries not listed in Annex A and international organisations (IOs) will be eligible for funding: * When funding for such participants is provided for under a bilateral scientific and technological agreement or any other arrangement between the EU and an international organisation or a third country; * When the Commission deems participation of the entity essential for carrying out the action funded through Horizon 2020; * For Prizes, any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, or international organisation may receive funding.Therefore, Brazil has defined co-financing mechanisms to cover the costs of Brazilian participants within international consortia together with the EU. An example is the Coordinated Call for Research Proposals on Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels.* GUIDELINES DEFINING CONDITIONS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF THE COORDINATED BRAZILIAN PROPOSALS UNDER THE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION WITH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION ON ADVANCED LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOFUELS: * H2020 LCE-22-2016, International Cooperation with Brazil on advanced lignocellulosic biofuels


FAQs about H2020-LCE-22-2016 call on advanced biofuels

Is it correct to understand that there will be up to 3 proposals funded (in 3 different states), since only 3 have been considered eligible?

The call does not indicate how many proposals will be funded. The indication of having 3 Brazilian States involved means that the project to be submitted on the Brazilian side needs to be submitted by a consortium which involves institutions coming from at least 3 Brazilian States, one of which has to be from the State of São Paulo. As indicated at the Call text, Research Groups from the State of São Paulo must consult FAPESP via the e-mail [email protected]. Interested parts from States other than São Paulo must consult their FAPs before submitting a proposal should submit a Letter of Consent, issued by his/her supporting FAP stating feasibility to fund the items under the responsibility of that institution if the Project is selected.

If we haven’t consulted a FAP regarding our eligibility before initiating the preparation of a joint proposal, can we still apply or not? What can we do if we missed the deadline of 8th July of FAPESP?

We suggest to contact the respective FAP. Those from the State of São Paulo must consult FAPESP via the e-mail

What are the conditions for the participation of SMEs/companies (are the same conditions in EU and BR)?

In Brazil there must be a company associated to the proposal, committed to funding at least 50% of the Brazilian side costs. In the case of Europe, the company will receive funding from the EC and do not need to participate with funding.

A multinational company with units in Brazil and Europe can participate in the same call, in different steps of the project?

Yes. Considering that the 2 consortia need to be distinguished, as this is the way for them to receive funding, a multinational company is able to participate at both consortia. It is worth mentioning that in the Brazilian side, the company will have to participate with funding, while in Europe the company will be able to receive funding from the EC.

Universities can participate to this call without a company?

The call text states as follows: “Demonstration of co-funding for the research from industry sector is desirable on both sides”. On the Brazilian side, there must be a company in associated involved in to the proposal, committed to funding at least 50% of the Brazilian side costs. However, on the European side, industry involvement is desirable.

Is the evaluation of Brazilian proposals done by Brazilian funding agencies or by the EU? What are the main criteria?

Evaluation will be done separately by both the EU and Brazilian funding agencies. Following the call text: “Proposals will be only selected on the condition that the corresponding coordinated project is also selected for funding”.

Are EU and BR partners part of the same consortium? How this is organized? Do you have two coordinators, each of them responsible for submitting the proposal in EU and BR?

The two projects, submitted respectively to the EU and Brazilian funding institutions, need to be set up by two consortia (European and Brazilian respectively), with a leading institution on each side (project coordinator). The two proposals need to be coordinated with one another. For more details, please refer to the call text: “Aligned Brazilian and European projects shall have the same start date, the same duration – up to 5 years, same targets, and must demonstrate clearly how the coordination among them will bring added scientific value. To ensure a project implementation that reflects a genuine EU-Brazil cooperation, priority in evaluation will be given to proposals involving properly coordinated research activities between Europe and Brazil in the research plan of the two coordinated projects. Independent projects, which are not aligned, will be considered ineligible. Proposals will include detailed explanations about tasks and effort of the coordinated proposal as a whole and cross-references to the other part of the proposal”.

I would like to join a propsal for this topic, please advise.

I would suggest you to post a “partner search” message on the INCOBRA LinkedIN group. It might help you get visibility and get some answers from the group. You can also try to contact your National Contact Point (NCP) for H2020, as they could help you finding the right partners or might be aware of consortia looking for partners.

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