INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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INCOBRA Strategic Action Plans to Foster Cooperation Patterns between EU and Brazil in Priority Areas


  • Posted on: May 20, 2018
  • Belgium
  • Important

Year of publication: 2018

INCOBRA has developed strategic Action Plans to foster Research and Innovation (R&I) cooperation in five Priority Areas: 

  1. Green Energy; 
  2. Sustainable Use of Bioresources; 
  3. Food Security and Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change; 
  4. Advanced Manufacturing and Nanomaterials; and 
  5. Smart Cities and Smart Systems. 

The Action Plans were developed under the following INCOBRA’s Grand Vision:

’Stakeholders from Brazil and EU are working together, like an orchestra, in a harmonious and complimentary fashion on scientific research and technological innovation projects.  Given the results of this successful cooperation, societies feel that Brazil-EU collaboration contributes to their balanced social, environmental, and economic development. The cooperation is led by a multi-lateral, representative steering committee, with collaborative actors from research, policy, industry, academia, and civil society. 

  • Project governance that is simple, transparent, and based on trust that allow for the orchestration of work teams.
  • Governance instruments and actors that are synchronized, harmonized, and aligned to complement each other.
  • A long-term commitment to funding policies. 
  • Diverse partners interact like an open and flexible research and innovation network. 
  • Clear and stable framework for cooperation that guides the research agenda while accommodating creativity and original ideas in a flexible manner´.

The purpose of this exercise morphed along the way into something bigger than INCOBRA itself. In addition to supporting the planning of forthcoming INCOBRA initiatives, it was understood that the results would also support the “sister” project CEBRABIC in its effort to identify desirable R&I activities for its Centres. Finally, the results could also provide input for the negotiation and planning of the next European Framework Programme in Research and Technological Innovation. 

Type: INCOBRA Deliverable, Report / Research / Studies | Scientific field: Bioeconomy, Energy, Food security, ICT, Nanotechnology, Sustainable agriculture

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