INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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Priority Areas

Targeted R&I international cooperation activities, along with the openness of Horizon 2020, is one of the cornerstones for the implementation of the EU Strategy and are thus expected to help to achieve the objectives of such Strategy:

  • Strengthening the EU excellence and attractiveness in research and innovation as well as its economic and industrial competitiveness;
  • Tackling global challenges;
  • Supporting the EU external policies.

Targeted activities are intended to be deployed according to a set of reference criteria, defined by the abovementioned Strategy, with the purpose of obtaining the highest value from the EU cooperation with its international partners. Such criteria include:

  • Common interest and benefit (ensuring win-win situations);
  • Ensure optimal scale and scope (avoiding fragmentation of efforts and maximizing R&I impact);
  • Partnership (implemented through stakeholder-driven approaches);
  • Synergy (building upon and capitalizing outputs and outcomes of already ongoing programmes and projects).

In the same direction, Brazil´s National ST&I Strategy underlines the promotion of R&I international cooperation activities as an essential aspect to promote the country´s ST&I development in order to reduce regional disparities, support social inclusion and strengthen foundations for sustainable development. Thus, the Strategy addresses international cooperation as way to achieve its strategic guidelines:

  • Promote international collaboration to enhance basic scientific and technological research;
  • Support international mobility to improve capacity building, attraction and retention of human resources;
  • Attract companies and R&D Centres to Brazil aiming to encourage innovation in Brazil.

Considering both regions Strategies for international cooperation, the bilateral policy dialogue defined, through the Joint Steering Committee for ST&I BR-EU cooperation, priority R&I areas, along with a set of concrete subtopics as detailed in the EU Roadmap for ST&I cooperation with Brazil:

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