INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

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INCOBRA Call for Bilateral Cooperation Networks EU-BR

call for expressions of interest


  • Since: Sep 15, 2017
  • Deadline: Dec 15, 2017
  • Important

Post Date: Sep 15, 2017


The main objective of this call is to foster and strengthen the mutual cooperation of Brazilian and European R&I actors through the support of bilateral networks on the priority areas indicated in below by providing a Grant for the implementation of mutual bilateral visits and workshops. The Call addresses a more focused and sustainable cooperation among BR and EU actors by selecting   5 bilateral R&I cooperation networks (with members from both Brazil and Europe), either existing or newly formed, which will have the following features and aims:  

  • Involvement of BR and EU R&I actors/institutions wishing to engage in mutual cooperation activities and willing to coordinate the implementation of their R&I agendas, objectives and priorities.    Assistance in defining common R&I agendas and priorities, as well as possibilities of pooling resources for the implementation of joint R&I activities. 
  • Facilitation of the creation of new partnerships between R&I actors in the priority areas of mutual interests. 
  • Promotion of BR R&I actors integration in the European programmes and of European R&I actors in Brazilian programmes; 


Applications shall be submitted by legal public and private R&I organisations (including research driven SMEs) combined in groups, networks or consortiums.  
The call is open to: 

  • Existing R&I networks formed of European and Brazilian organisations operating in the identified R&I priority areas (see below) that are already carrying out various bilateral activities or that are linked and would like to start a joint activity.  
  • Past consortiums (within the last 3 years) of BR-EU projects that would like to continue working together, thus also guaranteeing the sustainability of their project.  
  • European and Brazilian organisations aiming to work together and submitting project proposals for available funding. 

These networks could encompass centres of excellences, competence centers, clusters, technology platforms, innovation partnerships, innovation communities, SMEs, universities, business incubators/ accelerators, science and technology parks, or research centers, among other types of R&I networks. 


Following the evaluation and selection process, INCOBRA will provide a non-repayable Grant together with consultancy services to grantees.  INCOBRA will provide a Grant for the selected networks with the total amount of 19,500€ per network. Expenditures to be covered with the grant have to be current, economic and necessary. The Grant shall be used for the organisation of working meetings and for travel expenses of their representatives (as per specifications):

  • Organisation of working meetings: Each selected bilateral network will have to organise a number of working meetings (at least 2) during the period of activity enabling the face-to-face discussion and decision making among their members concerning their cooperation.  
  • Travel grants: INCOBRA will cover the travel expenses to the above mentioned meetings for max. 4 representatives per selected bilateral network. Travel is eligible only from Europe to Brazil or viceversa.


50% of the total grant will be transferred as advance payment following the signing of the contract. The rest will be transferred within one month after the approval of an activity report and accompanying financial report (two reports to be completed per bilateral network)


In addition to the economic support via the Grant, the selected cooperation networks will be guided and supported in their bilateral networking and collaboration activities in order to define common R&I agendas and priorities facilitating the implementation of joint R&I activities. 


The networks interested in participating in this call must complete the online application form, also providing any additional information if relevant.  A tentative budget should also be submitted. All applications must be submitted in English.  

Participants will receive a notification informing them that their application has been correctly submitted.  The evaluation procedure will be fair and the results will be transparent. For that purpose, the list of applicants as well as the list of networks selected will be published on the INCOBRA website  

Important dates:

  • Deadline for submission: December 15th  
  • Eligibility check: December 30th    
  • Publication of the evaluation results: March 15th  
  • Launch of the selected networks’ activities: March 2018  
  • Activities time frame:7 months  

 Download the full call for expressions of interest  (the call is available in Portuguese too)


Get in touch with us in case you need any support/clarification.

Source: INCOBRA | Topic: Bilateral Cooperation Networks EU-BR | Scientific field: Marine research, Bioeconomy, Energy, Food security, Health, ICT, Nanotechnology, Sustainable agriculture

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